Who are we?

Professor Dr. Cassio Oishimore_vert

Head of laboratory, Associate Professor

Professor Dr. Cassio Oishiclose ORCID Lattes

Graduated in Mathematics from UNESP (2001) and completed a master's and doctorate in Computational Mathematics from ICMC-USP in 2004 and 2008, respectively, with a sandwich internship at the University of Porto, Portugal. He then completed a postdoctoral degree at ICMC-USP in 2009. He currently works as an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computing at FCT-UNESP, and also holds the position of vice-coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics. He works as deputy editor of the Applied Mathematics Collection published by the Brazilian Mathematical Society-SBM. Notable achievements include coordinating the Fapesp Young Researcher Project and the CNPq Universal Project, receiving an honorable mention from the Odelar Leite Linhares Prize in 2009 for the best doctoral thesis at SBMAC and supervising two master's theses awarded by SBMAC. He is the main researcher in important projects such as CPA/FAPESP (Data Science for Smart Industry) and CEPID/FAPESP (Center for Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry). He also has international experience, having worked as a visiting researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Institute in Dynamic Systems, University of Washington, between 2022 and 2024. His research covers computational mathematics, computational fluid dynamics and artificial intelligence.

Fabio Amaralmore_vert

PhD candidate

Fabio Amaralclose Lattes

Fabio Amaral holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of São Paulo State (UNESP), earned in 2019. He also obtained a Master's degree in Computational and Applied Mathematics from UNESP in 2021. Currently, he is a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at UNESP and collaborates with the InfoTracker platform.

Diego Aguiarmore_vert

PhD candidate

Diego Aguiarclose ORCID Lattes

Holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2021) and a Master's degree in Computer Science from São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2024).

Daniel Serezanemore_vert


Daniel Serezaneclose ORCID Lattes

Bachelor's in Computer Science (UNESP), currently pursuing a Master's in Computational Mathematics.

João Fachollimore_vert

Master student

João Facholliclose ORCID Lattes

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of Western São Paulo (2018) and is currently pursuing a Master's in Computational Mathematics at São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho. His research focuses on Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, and Machine Learning. Professionally, he works as a Data Scientist at LuizaLabs, specializing in building data pipelines and developing machine learning models to enhance search relevance.

Mateus Monteiromore_vert

Graduate research student

Mateus Monteiroclose Lattes

Holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of Western São Paulo (2023). Currently dedicated to research in Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and Machine Learning, with a focus on video and speech analysis, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Cassio Machiaveli Oishi. Professionally, he works as a Software Engineer developing, maintaining and architecting software solutions using Java for the private sector.

Guilherme Batalhotimore_vert

Undergraduate research student

Guilherme Batalhoticlose Lattes

Undergraduate student in Computer Science at FCT - Unesp Presidente Prudente. PROPe scholarship recipient at Unesp, developing activities in the area of Emergency Support for Multi-User Equipment, particularly High-Performance Clusters for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science applications.

Guilherme Tomiasimore_vert

Undergraduate research student

Guilherme Tomiasiclose Lattes

Computer Science student at FCT-Unesp in Presidente Prudente.

Guilherme Fauramore_vert

Undergraduate research student

Guilherme Almino Carvalho Fauraclose ORCID Lattes Website

Graduating in Physics from FCT-UNESP. He developed research at the Laboratory of Organic Devices and Sensors (LaDSOr) at FCT-UNESP, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Neri Alves in the past. He is currently dedicated to researching artificial intelligence, neural networks and machine learning under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Cassio Machiaveli Oishi. He also has a great interest in Computer Simulation, Cryptography and RNGs algorithms. The LSNIA website (this website) and its logo was developed by Guilherme Faura.

Former students

Débora Medeirosmore_vert


Débora Medeirosclose ORCID Lattes

Currently Post-doctoral Chair Marília Chaves Peixoto at School of Applied Mathematics, Fundação Getúlio FGV/EMAp, Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brasil. Research on Mathematical models in epidemiology.

Hugo Françamore_vert

PhD student

Hugo Françaclose ORCID Lattes

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2015), and a Master's degree in Applied and Computational Mathematics from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2018). Currently, he is pursuing his doctorate in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics at the University of São Paulo (USP), carrying out studies in the area of fluid mechanics.

Fabiano Netomore_vert

PhD Candidate

Fabiano Netoclose ORCID Lattes

Currently a PhD Candidate at the Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação - USP, São Carlos.

National collaborators

Roney L. Thompson, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Elías Gudiño, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Rafael A. Figueiredo, Federal University of Uberlândia - UFU, Brazil

International collaborators

Steven L. Brunton, Professor, University of Washington

J. Nathan Kutz, Professor of Applied Mathematics & Electrical and Computer Engineering

Samuel E. Otto, Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University

Manuel António Moreira Alves, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Porto

Hirofumi Notsu, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Kanazawa University

Maziyar Jalaal, University of Amsterdam

Fernando T. Pinho, University of Porto

Jonathan Evans, University of Bath

Alexandre Afonso, CEFT/FEUP